Lake Activities Committee
The Activities Committee is a joint committee formed by the ALPOA and ALMA boards to encourage the use of the lake by members. The mission of the committee is to determine which activities can be done on the lake by both members and non-members which will provide a benefit to the members and/or the health of the lake. The committee will consider both commercial and non-commercial activities and determine an appropriate method for any commercial activities to use the lake with adequate compensation to ALPOA for the activity. Proposed commercial activities will require the approval of both boards prior to being approved.
The newly formed activities committee for ALPOA/ALMA is excited to bring new offerings to our members and community this season! We have many ideas in the works and opportunities for local businesses to partake in. Please complete the VENDOR APPLICATION BELOW if you are interested in any of the following.
Local Business Spotlight
We are looking for volunteers to be a part of this special program. Local businesses will have the opportunity to be highlighted while offering a free class to our members. This gives your business a chance to network and reach individuals that may not be familiar with you and supports our mission to provide more fun and educational experiences to our members. Ideas/examples include yoga on the beach, tai chi, zumba, paint night, gardening/fishing/bird watching seminar, drumming circle. We are open to any ideas that promote a healthy, positive experience for the community.
Commercial Business on the lake
If you are a vendor that is interested in providing a service that members and the community pay for, this opportunity is for you! An application must be submitted and certificates of insurance will be needed depending on the service. Ideas/examples include yoga on the beach, tai chi, zumba, paint night, gardening/fishing/bird watching seminar, drumming circle. We are open to any ideas that promote a healthy, positive experience for the community.