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Right-of-Ways ("ROW") 

These are the locations accessible as a member (see map below).





1. 414a Lake Rd.

2. Between Andover Lake sign and pole #42

3. 366a Lake Rd.

4. 320a Lake Rd.

5. 288a Lake Rd.

6. 41a Lakeside Dr. aka "Island Street ROW."

7. 81a Lakeside Dr.



RACKS for Boats

Due to limited space and availability, ALPOA/ALMA has developed these policies to oversee all of the racks on the Right of Ways.


Please email RACK Committee Chair at to inquire about a rack spot.

  • Anyone requesting a boat rack space must be a current member of ALPOA

  • Sign-up for racks will be annually.

  • If a member applies after the spring deadline and there is availability, a space will be designated at that time.

  • All spaces will be assigned by the RACK COMMITTEE CHAIR or his/her designee.

  • Current boat stickers must be on all boats.

  • Bottom rungs of racks will be for heavier, larger boats or multiples.

  • Locks are encouraged to anchor boats to racks and discourage theft.

  • Boats without an assigned space should not be attached or near racks as so to prevent access to racks.

  • All boats not on racks should be on the side of the ROWs to allow other boats access to the lake.

  • All boats should be placed/stored with hull up so as not to collect rain water which could breed mosquitoes.

  • All members can place foam or carpet on their rack space for boat to sit on.

  • No member should move or dismantle the racks or move other member's boats.

  • All member concerns should be forwarded to the RACK COMMITTEE CHAIR.

  • ALPOA/ALMA reserve the right to remove all boats from the ROWS that do not have current membership stickers.

  • Current members can store their boats in their assigned spots at the ROWs over the winter. To keep the same spots for the next summer season, membership dues must be paid by May 15 of the following year. 

  • No member should park on the ROWs, unless a sign specifically designates the area for parking.

  • ALPOA/ALMA are not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen boats.

  • Access to the lake is at the member's own risk.

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