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Welcome to the Andover Lake Website

Dinner & Comedy Fundraiser was a Success!

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Have a question, idea, or want to volunteer? Message us here:

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Beach - Open Dates

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Beach opens Memorial Day Weekend from 11am - 8pm and then daily from 9am - 8pm starting 6/13. Check our Facebook page for daily updates throughout the season. 

Movie Nights

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As a member or NON member, join us for outdoor movies on the beach! Bring a blanket and snacks. Dates to be announced. Check our Facebook page too for updated showtimes. 

Rent the Island


Have the entire island to yourself for an overnight camping extravaganza! The Island can be used between 9PM and 9AM only if a permit has been obtained 48 hours in advance, with $25 non-refundable deposit. 

Rent the Pavilion

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Rent the picnic area for your own party! Members can have preplanned events at the beach ensuring equal access to all facilities by all members. To obtain a Beach Party Request Form please click below:

Swim Lessons

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As a lake member or non-member, please join us! Register for any session on 6/7 (Open Beach Day), or print the form below and mail in. Class size will be small to individualize & personalize the instruction. 


6/16-6/27 and/or 7/7-7/18.

10-10:30, 10:30-11, 11-11:30, 11:30-12

SAT SESSION 6/22-8/10, 10-10:45 

To register, click on link below:
Swim Lessons Sign-Up Form

Boating & Fishing


Andover Lake offers some of the best fishing in the state of Connecticut, open year round to our members. Just grab your fishing pole and you can enjoy our "no closed season" fishing. The lake provides great fishing opportunities from a boat or from a shore for a novice as well as the more experienced angler. Not a member? Click on "Purchase Membership" above and join us today!

Click here for a map of the lake's Right of Way to view all the locations from which you can easily launch your boat. Canoe, paddle or kayak around the island and meet up with friends!

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